Contact Us

Get in touch. We’re always happy to hear from you.

Mailing Address

Murray-Calloway County Hospital
803 Poplar Street
Murray, Kentucky 42071

Phone Numbers

Main Number: (270) 762-1100
MCCH Information: (800) 342-MCCH (6224)

Suggestions, Complaints, Compliments

Let us know what’s on your mind. For comments, suggestions or questions regarding website content, please contact us at

Grievance Complaints or Compliments

To file a complaint, concern, or offer a Compliment, please click here and complete the attached form.

File a Complaint


For visitors, parking is conveniently located parallel to Poplar Street at the hospitals North Entrance. Parking is also available at the South Tower/Vine Street Entrance, Medical Arts Building, and outside of the West and East Entrance.